Chris Turpin Chris Turpin

HRCI Testing Online for the first time!

Beginning on May 1, 2020, US and Canadian residents will be able to register and test using OnVUE, PearsonVUE’s online proctoring exam delivery system from the comfort of their home or office. Online exam delivery will be available for the following certifications: Associate Professional in Human Resources® (aPHR®), Professional in Human Resources® (PHR®), Senior Professional in Human Resources® (SPHR®) and Global Professional in Human Resources® (GPHR®). OnVUE leverages artificial intelligence, in combination with live monitoring, to ensure exams are protected using state-of-the-art technology. 

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Chris Turpin Chris Turpin


I hope everyone is well and safe! As human resource prefesssionals, we are faced with many new and uncertain aspects of the workplace and applicable regulations. ‘Work at home’ has become the norm for so many of us in the recent months. As you are juggling your personal life and work committments, it would be a great time to prepare for the aPHR, PHR, or SPHR exam and preapre yourself with the competencies necessary to be successful in the ‘new norm’ of human resources when we come up ‘on the the other side’ of this pandemic. HR Upfront is here to help you preapre for the HRCI exams…if you have any questions, please send me an email to

Stay well and safe!

Dr. Turpin

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Chris Turpin Chris Turpin

PHR and SPHR Certification...Should I get certified?

HRCI’s PHR and SPHR certifications are the gold standard in the human resource profession. Many years ago an ad for a human resource professional would only mention PHR and SPHR as a plus under job requirements. In today’s human resource environment, a PHR or SPHR is required to apply for human resource jobs.

The PHR and SPHR certification demonstrates that a human resource professional has the necessary competencies and knowledge to be successful in their job. I always tell human resource professionals, certification is not a substitute for a degree. Focus on accomplishing your degrees first then pursue HRCI certification.

The most important experience from pursuing your education and certification is expanding your knowledge base. As professionals and students learning expands our human resource competencies. Certification requires continuing education to maintain your certification. In my opinion the greatest value attained from certification is not all the preparation and studying to pass the exam, but rather the continuing education required to maintain the certification. The CE requirements keep all human resource professionals relevant and current with trends and knowledge in the industry. The industry is always changing and we must be prepared to address the challenges that are presented us on our human resource journey to help our organizations be successful and sustain growth and market share.

Dr. Turpin

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Chris Turpin Chris Turpin

Happy Holidays

I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday and New Year! Please give HR UPFRONT careful consideration as you choose your aPHR, PHR, or SPHR online certification prep course for the new year. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send me an email at

Best regards,

Dr. Turpin

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Chris Turpin Chris Turpin

HRCI vs SHRM Certification

The emergence of the recent SHRM certification has created a lot of discussion in the human resource field. I advise human resource professionals that certification should never take the place of higher education. Your undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral work should take precedence over certification.  The next logical step after completing your education is getting certified in the field. While the SHRM certification is a credential with some value, in my opinion the HRCI certification remains the gold standard in our field.

We have seen an increase in human resource certification (S/PHR) being a ‘plus’ 10 years ago in job postings to being required in today’s market. HRCI has been the institution to administer human resource certification for decades.  While I have seen a minor shift from HRCI to SHRM certification preference, I do not see it being the preferred certification anytime in the future.

It is important to remember why any certification in any field is important. One of the significant elements of certification is the requirement to accomplish a certain number of continuity education credit hours during a designated time period on a regular basis. This requirement ensures that professionals are staying abreast of current trends and developments in the industry and continuing the process of life long learning in order to strengthen their competencies.

Certifications and their governing bodies are slow to having significant impact in a field, unless there is driving force such as lack of credibility, validity, or reliability to foster change. HRCI has a great reputation and a long history of excellence in the field. HRCI certification is here to stay for as long as I can see into the future.

Dr. Turpin

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Chris Turpin Chris Turpin

Multiple Choice Test Taking Strategies

How often have you taken multiple choice tests? Probably for most of you, not very often. The key overall strategy in preparing for multiple choice tests is repetition, in other words, practice, practice, and practice taking multiple choice practice tests. Multiple choice tests have 4 answers. Did you know there is a strategy to approach the 4 possible answers and narrow down your choices to 2 answers? This strategy increases your probability to a 50% chance of getting the correct answer.

Enroll in my online aPHR, PHR, and SPHR prep course today to have access to lots of practice tests and many test taking strategies.

Dr. Turpin

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Chris Turpin Chris Turpin

HRCI vs SHRM Certification

The emergence of the recent SHRM certification has created a lot of discussion in the human resource field. I advise human resource professionals that certification should never take the place of higher education. Your undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral work should take precedence over certification.  The next logical step after completing your education is getting certified in the field. While the SHRM certification is a credential with some value, in my opinion the HRCI certification remains the gold standard in our field.

We have seen an increase in human resource certification (S/PHR) being a ‘plus’ 10 years ago in job postings to being required in today’s market. HRCI has been the institution to administer human resource certification for decades.  While I have seen a minor shift from HRCI to SHRM certification preference, I do not see it being the preferred certification anytime in the future.

Certifications and their governing bodies are slow to having significant impact in a field, unless there is driving force like lack of credibility, validity, or reliability to foster change. HRCI has a great reputation and a long history of excellence in the field. HRCI certification is here to stay for as long as I can see into the future.

Dr. Turpin

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Chris Turpin Chris Turpin

Course Timeline

I have received a lot of inquiries lately asking if the course can be completed in less than 15 weeks. The course can be completed in less than 15 weeks if you have the time to dedicate completing all the reading and assignments. The course is organized over 15 weeks much like a college course. Depending on your learning styles, study habits, and time for the course, you can successfully complete the course in less than 15 weeks. Please email me and/or call me if you are interested in completing the course in less than 15 weeks so that we can discuss your particular situation and determine the plan best suited for your situation.

Also remember HRCI no longer has set testing windows, so you can can sit for the aPHR, PHR, or SPHR at times that work best for you!

Dr. Turpin

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